Friday, June 24, 2011

Finally Adjusting

As of May 9, we have had 2 working parents again. I'm not quite sure how it happened but over the course of the 6 months that hubby was out of work I became quite accustomed to have a clean home and not lifting a finger. Oh geeze, way to set me up for failure, honey! 
Since he has been working, our house has been an absolute train wreck. I'm talking laundry spilling out of the clothes hamper, dishes in the sink, food caked on the table from last night's dinner, books and toys strewn about - it's been brutal. By the time Hubby gets home from work he is exhausted and I'm used to him doing all the work so I've gotten lazy worn out too so everything just keeps piling. 
Well - I think I've gotten my mojo back - YAY!! For the second time this week, my clothes hamper is empty!! And my dishes are all washed!!! And my floor is crumb free!!! And most everything is in it's proper place!!! And all of this on the same night even!  I would show you with pictures but let's face it, I've expended all of my energy cleaning. Ha!
I'm going to do the happy dance in my dreams now.. hope everyone has had a wonderful, productive day!

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