Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rock-a-bye Baby

I think I was spoiled as a new mother.

I've been spoiled my entire life, really. As the baby of 3 kids I was always babied a little more than the others and over the years I'm certain it became full-fledged spoil-age.

Then into marriage... my sweet hubby has spoiled me since day one. This was a dangerous habit he started. I find myself having to be reminded that I, in fact, do not have to have flowers once a week in order to be loved... In all actuality he is sticking to our budget now so that is much more loving than bringing home cut flowers which will wilt in a few days. Yeah... definitely spoiled.

After 6 weeks of waking up every 4-5 hours to nurse our newborn, we put our sleepy baby in her crib an entire room away. Much to our surprise and delight she loved it. I would lay her down at 7pm and she wouldn't wake up until a well rested mommy and daddy emerged from their room at 6am. Now, I had thought many times (like most mommas do) 'I have the best baby in the world.' But now I was certain... they would write this child down in history.

I'm now the momma to a 2 year old - no longer a sweet, snuggly, sleepy baby. About a month ago I decided our big girl needed her very own big girl bed. She even picked out her own comforter for her big girl bed. My life has not been the same since. The first night she laid down and slept until 7am when she fell out (oops!). Now, it takes me about 30 minutes to lay her down and then she cries for us at least once a night for us to come lay down with her.

I know most parents are thinking I'm crazy at this point and if she only wakes up once then that is amazing. But I'm tired! I'm used to laying down at 9:30 and sleeping all night without interruption. My body is so unwilling to adjust to having to wake up and comfort a toddler. I told y'all I'm spoiled! So sleepy!

And the hubby and I have been so bad! Most nights we are so tired that we either let her come sleep with us or we go crawl into her tiny twin bed and snuggle with her until we fall back asleep ourselves. We keep saying we need to stop but it's so hard.

Oh, sleepy baby of mine, please remember how you used to love sleep as much as your mommy.

A very tired, spoiled momma

Friday, March 18, 2011

Random Friday Survey

A. Age: 23

B. Bed size: Glorious king size!

C. Chore you dislike: Dishes

D. Dogs: None

E. Essential start to your day: Have to brush my teeth first thing every morning

F. Favorite color: Red and brown

G. Gold or silver: Silver

H. Height: 5'8"

I. Instruments you play(ed): I can play Mary had a Little Lamb on the french horn... well, I could 7 years ago.

J. Job title: Receptionist

K. Kids: Adi

L. Live: GA

M. Mom’s name: Eva

N. Nicknames: Don't really have one

O. Overnight hospital stays: Only after giving birth

P. Pet peeves: Too many to name

Q. Quote from a movie: Drawing a huge blank with this one right now... hmmm...

R. Righty or lefty: Lefty

S. Siblings: One brother and one sister - both older

T. Time you wake up: 6-6:30am

U. Underwear: Kind of personal :)

V. Vegetables you don’t like: Greens

W.What makes you run late: Sleeping in an extra few minutes

X. X-rays you’ve had: Teeth, stomach, hand

Y. Yummy food you make: Sweets - I love to bake.

Z. Zoo animal favorites: Big cuddly looking bears.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I love this man...

Week Recap

What a crazy week.... my normal low work volume has been astronomically increased this week and I've been sleeping less and less so I'm just not at the top of my game.
We've had some fun moments this week though so I figured I would share a few. I went shopping on Saturday afternoon and found the cutest little sundresses and some jeans for myself. Adi was with me so she picked herself out a few things. Y'all, I am not even kidding... this kid is such a girly girl. I honestly don't know where she gets it from because I have never been this bad. haha! Anyway, she picked out a sweet little sundress and these adorable flipflops.

I love, love, love flip flops so I was so excited that she is big enough to wear them now. She went to spend the evening with my mother Saturday night because the hubby and I had my brother's surprise *30th* birthday party at our house that evening. We had a blast. I think it's amazing how my siblings and I get along so well now that we are older - we were definitely not the Cleaver's growing up.
The hubby has spent the majority of his days this week at his grandparent's home packing up their house so he can move them to Virginia. I'm so sad to see them leave. We've all been very spoiled to having their sweet-selves around so much - I'm sure it will be very hard on the hubby once it all sinks in.
One of my wonderful friends is coming to spend the weekend with me starting Friday - so excited!! I've already bought flowers and seeds along with flower pots because we are going to let Adi plant some flowers since it's been so nice out. Then we are going for a bridal gown fitting after church. I love trying on dresses and seeing other people dressed up so pretty. Makes me a little sad that I didn't have a big fancy, formal wedding. Our wedding was amazing though and it really fit the hubby and I so as much as it makes me a little sad, I wouldn't change it for anything.
Ok, apparently I'm in a rambling mood so I'll get my thoughts in order and get a legit post next time :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I love Wednesdays

I love them for so many reasons....
- It's "hump" day *happy dance for being halfway to the weekend*
- I get to spend several hours at church tonite spending time with my mother, sister, daughter along with several other wonderful women
- While spending time at church I get to prepare buckets for k/1 small group during Sunday Cool
- I also get to spend 30 minuteswith 25-40 sweet k/1 kids during music time. I adore this kids.
- When I get home my amazing husband usually has dinner ready and we have our weekly 'sit-and-veg-out-watching-sitcoms-fest.' (And by the way, the absolute best shows come on ABC on Wednesday nights.)

Today is going to be especially wonderful though. Today just happens to be...
- The day after I got a crazy awesome hair cut by my sister (so I'm feeling extra cool - haha)
- French dips for dinner night *delicious*
- The half way mark to a wonderful weekend that is planned

Yeah, I'm pretty excited. :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This is what arrived home from work to yesterday. Isn't she just precious? This was my apron from my days at Philly Connection - my after school job during high school. I wish I had a picture to share with you of me wearing the apron yesterday... well... my foot wearing the apron. Adi took it off shortly after I took this picture and promptly threw it down in the entry to the hallway. I, being the bad mommy that I am, didn't pick it up or ask her to pick it up but instead just stepped over it... the first time I walked past it at least. The second time I was not so lucky. The second time I was holding Adi and mis-stepped and landed about 2cm from perfect split position. Y'all... I don't move that way. I really doubt I have ever moved that way. I sat Adi down and she was crying, pleading with me to stand up. Jon was doing his best not to laugh at my pitiful-ness as I just laid there unable to move my hips at all. It was beyond hysterical and really a slap in the face about my age. I am STILL hurting. It has been 15 hours and it has eased up some but I honestly hurt from mid back down to mid thigh. Ouch!
Aside from falling, yesterday was a good day. We had to take Adi to the doctor for some tummy troubles. While waiting she experienced her first Chick-Fil-A chicken biscuit and watched the monster trucks on Daddy's phone.
My sweet girl has started sleeping in her big girl bed. Daddy built her a platform for her mattress on Saturday and she has absolutely fallen in love. She's started getting up a time or two a night and asking one of us to come lay down with her but we both figure that is just part of the adjustment. She is doing great with it though.
Jon and I are doing well. I have started working some more in the church and Jon has been helping with that some. I'm telling you... the men and women in our children's department are absolute God-sends. I love each and everyone of them so much. It is amazing to stand back and watch God work thru them as they love on all of the kiddos and share Jesus's love with them.
Jon has an interview tomorrow - Praise God! I'm so exicted about this entire situation and how doors were opened completely unexpectedly. I can't wait to see what God is up to with this one. I'll let y'all know how the interview goes - think happy thoughts and say some prayers for us!
I better go get some things done - busy, busy right now.
Trusting -