Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This is what arrived home from work to yesterday. Isn't she just precious? This was my apron from my days at Philly Connection - my after school job during high school. I wish I had a picture to share with you of me wearing the apron yesterday... well... my foot wearing the apron. Adi took it off shortly after I took this picture and promptly threw it down in the entry to the hallway. I, being the bad mommy that I am, didn't pick it up or ask her to pick it up but instead just stepped over it... the first time I walked past it at least. The second time I was not so lucky. The second time I was holding Adi and mis-stepped and landed about 2cm from perfect split position. Y'all... I don't move that way. I really doubt I have ever moved that way. I sat Adi down and she was crying, pleading with me to stand up. Jon was doing his best not to laugh at my pitiful-ness as I just laid there unable to move my hips at all. It was beyond hysterical and really a slap in the face about my age. I am STILL hurting. It has been 15 hours and it has eased up some but I honestly hurt from mid back down to mid thigh. Ouch!
Aside from falling, yesterday was a good day. We had to take Adi to the doctor for some tummy troubles. While waiting she experienced her first Chick-Fil-A chicken biscuit and watched the monster trucks on Daddy's phone.
My sweet girl has started sleeping in her big girl bed. Daddy built her a platform for her mattress on Saturday and she has absolutely fallen in love. She's started getting up a time or two a night and asking one of us to come lay down with her but we both figure that is just part of the adjustment. She is doing great with it though.
Jon and I are doing well. I have started working some more in the church and Jon has been helping with that some. I'm telling you... the men and women in our children's department are absolute God-sends. I love each and everyone of them so much. It is amazing to stand back and watch God work thru them as they love on all of the kiddos and share Jesus's love with them.
Jon has an interview tomorrow - Praise God! I'm so exicted about this entire situation and how doors were opened completely unexpectedly. I can't wait to see what God is up to with this one. I'll let y'all know how the interview goes - think happy thoughts and say some prayers for us!
I better go get some things done - busy, busy right now.
Trusting -

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